Odisha Civil Liberty Forum (OCLF in short) is a voluntary organization registered with the government of Orissa under the Society Registration Act, 1860. It deals with empowerment programs through various awareness activities. It also conducts various activities and program for the unprivileged and down trodden segments of the Society. It has been working in the related field since 1999.
a. To augment and expand citizens awareness about the INDIAN CONSTITUTION and its provisions among citizens with emphasis on PART – III and PART – IVA i.e., FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS and FUNDAMENTAL DUTIES.
b. To promote and strengthen the well established principles of CIVIL LIBERTY as an abiding value in all public and citizen related activities/transactions.
c. To provide a thrust through various appropriate programs to the movement of empowering people.
d. To promote the increasingly recognized theme of Government and its machinery acting more as facilitators and there by transforming the approach towards delivery of public service.
e. To establish a harmonious relation among citizens and public servants with a view to streamlining the State delivery mechanism.
f. To undertake all activities necessary for or incidental to the aforesaid object including organization of seminars, symposia and workshop for dissemination of knowledge in the related fields.
OCLF has undertaken FIR registration awareness campaign in order to combat the common problem of people wherein they always find it difficult in getting their genuine complaint registered at the Police Station. The Organization is also assisting the inmates of Jails/correctional centers to get in touch with their near and dear ones by maintaining a Postal help desk. It also creates Constitutional awareness among the students of educational institutions.
Like all other individuals OCLF can take up your bonafide cause with the concerned authorities within the framework of Law by using its machinery and expertise. OCLF is a facilitator and it helps in streamlining the State delivery mechanism.
Any individual can be a member of OCLF subject to the approval by the Executive Committee. The status of the membership will also be decided by the Executive Committee.
To become a member of OCLF you need to fulfill the requirements as per the rules and resolutions of the Organization. Firstly you have to submit an application as available on the website and after it has been screened on a preliminary basis you will have to submit a downloaded form with the declaration form filled and duly signed alongwith the requisite membership fees and members contribution as per the amount decided by the Executive Committee resolution. After the application has been accepted you will be intimated about the membership status.
The Organization provides help and assistance to all bonafide individuals. All the complainants are required to submit their complaint/grievance in a written format at the registered office address or the district chapter office or through email at info@oclf.in / oclf.in@gmail.com. In case of submission of email the action would be initiated after verification of the mail and its sender. Usually the grievance is redressed through the district chapter office of the concerned district of jurisdiction. However, the central body also takes up issues on the basis of nature and gravity of the matter.
OCLF can be contacted by any person as the contact numbers (Pramod Patnaik(Vice-President)-7008987877 / Suvendu Parida(Secretary)-9437030636 / Jangya Prakash Parida(Joint Secretary & Legal Cell Incharge)-9040753110) are displayed prominently in all the Police Stations of Orissa (500 approx.) and 70 jails/correctional centers along with postal address. All the calls so received are redirected to the local organizational members/office bearers for verification and appropriate action.
This is the ‘First Information’ in the nature of a complaint or accusation of a crime given with the object of putting the police in motion. This is made under the provision under section 154 Code of Criminal Procedure. This can be oral or written and can be lodged by anyone and it is not necessary to name anyone as offender or witness. A copy of the FIR should be given to the informant free of cost.
A person can be arrested on being named/accused or investigated in a complaint that discloses a cognizable offence. In case of a cognizable offence the police may investigate without the orders of a Magistrate and can arrest a person without warrant.
You can assist/cooperate/contribute to the OCLF by any constructive means and measures.
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